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Known as Lizi to her students and the yoga community, you will meet her as a practitioner. Teaching Yoga is part of her belief that the practice rests in the heart of being a Student to life, and that everyone is your teacher.
Her work as a practitioner and facilitator is inspired by her own life path being a traveler and experiences living many lives. She grew up on a farm during the apartheid area in South Africa with unconventional parents, played college tennis in the US, and furthered her love for humans and food in hospitality during her 20’s. She began a deep path of inquiry when she took a sabbatical turning 30. Moving to London, she travelled extensively for two years, and she was introduced to the Patanjali System living in Thailand through practices of Ashtanga Vinyasa she stumbled upon. 
She is (E-500RYT) teacher and her teachings over the last 9 years come from her passion to learn from her teachers annually and sharing with her students during intimate weeks in Retreat and classes she now teaches live and online around the world. 
Liz brings a unique perspective to the definition and practices of yoga. She is honest about her philosophy that Yoga is not about making pretty shapes. She offers powerful and insightful classes that hold deep ritual with intention, in sequencing and balancing the body through the postures, breathwork and meditation. 
Classes are physically and energetically taught with equal motivation to empower students to grow in personal flexibility and strength guiding each level and layer to each student's ability. 
She is inspired by the esoteric subtle body practices, studies of the Chakra System, meditations and teachings rooted in Buddhist Psychology. 
She approaches physical anatomy and postures from a functional approach to Yoga. Yoga postures are taught as medicine, being a way of insight and ritual to balance and harmonize energy levels and awareness. 
Her studies involve annual pilgrimages to the Land of Medicine Buddha with her teachers Paul & Suzee Grilley, in both Chakra Anatomy, The Bhagavad Gita and Yin Yoga. She has furthered her functional approach to Yoga with Sebastain and Murielle Pucelle in TCM methodology based on this functional and medicine approach. 
She practices Ashtanga Vinyasa annually with her teachers Lucy Crawford Scott & Caroline Tautz in Kerala, India.  Mandala Methodology with Shiva Rae and Dulce Aguilar. Lizi often travels to Mysore for personal retreat time to deepen her own practice.
Her spiritual path was influenced by her mother, and early on by Tibetan Buddhist teachings, Chogyam Trunpga Rinpoche, Lama Tsultrim Allione and the modern teachings of Michael Stone have been a core foundation to sharing philosophy. 
Lizi studies at Tara Mandala currently with Lama Tsultrim Allione furthering meditation and Tibetan Psychology as a medium for counseling.  She is also an Enlifted Life Coach mentoring group sessions and individual private sessions using Yoga principles and language as a way to support anyone wanting to deepen personal self empowerment.  
Liz believes it’s a personal path of self awareness and growth. Longevity in the way you practice, and progress in what you can accomplish each day, on the mat and off the mat. Whether you are in the beginning, or growing deeper into the teachings, Yoga allows every practitioner a place of contemplation and exploration.
Based between Greece, Mexico and South Africa, Liz teaches a small live online schedule after teaching for 6 years in London’s top yoga studios. You can now find her on retreat collaborating, and sharing her work on her own personal programmes, workshops and retreats.


"I have had the pleasure of working with over 20 yoga teachers in the last 4 years of running yoga retreats, but there is no other teacher I would prefer to work with than Lizaan Joubert.

In her nature, Lizaan is a fierce woman, who is fearless in the pursuit of creating wholehearted relationships with her students. She is honest, raw and filled with wisdom that pours out of her while on her retreats and in her classes.

Some would say her yoga retreats and classes border on an experience like going to therapy but this is exactly what makes Lizaan's retreats special and like no other. She is truly passionate about transformation and expansion of her students lives and brings her A-game to each and every retreat making it her priority that every student is given the opportunity and space to find their truth. She does this through ceremony, rituals, chakra & workshops, yoga, specific yoga based food menu's and her intuition.

Time spent with Lizaan is an investment for your life, this is a woman you won't want to live without once you've experienced her magic. She finds your soul and nurtures it for you until you are ready to do so on your own in the healthiest and most wholehearted way possible.

Kimberly Parsons - The Yoga Kitchen & Chef


The word 'Pawo' derives from the Warrior Nature that resides in us, specific to Tibetan, where it literally means "The one who is brave". The Buddhists will refer this teachings is understanding the energy it requires to be brave and fierce in every breath of your life.

This Retreat Week are for all practitioners. It's a Holistic Holiday that threads all walks of life together with Yoga, contemplation and great laughter.  I hope to see you at one of these Soul weeks!

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